Thursday 19 November 2015


Serradura! This very easy to make dessert has been haunting me ever since my best friend Sash made it for us way back in high school. Very easy to make it is the perfect dish to whip up with very less ingredients and takes only 10 minutes of your time.

A dish originally from Portugal is now commonly found in Macau. “Serradura” in translates to “sawdust” in Portuguese. Though it doesn’t sound very appealing its taste more than makes up for it.

1)      Marie biscuits – 20 to 30 biscuits
2)      Cashew nuts – a fistful
3)      Vanilla essence – 1 ½ tea spoon
4)      Whipped cream – 350 ml
5)      Condensed milk – 2 tablespoons

1)      Put the marie biscuits and cashew nuts in a blender and blend till either very smooth or crunchy.
2)      Mix the whipped cream, condensed milk and vanilla essence together in a separate bowl.
3)      Now take one glass and put a layer of the biscuit mix.
4)      On top of that put a layer of the whipped cream mixture
5)      Repeat the process depending on how many layers you want.
6)      It is up to you whether to end with a cream or biscuit layer.
7)      Put the finished dessert glass in the fridge and refrigerate for 5-6 hours or overnight.

And that’s it folks… take your pudding out and enjoy it. Trust me, you won’t regret it!